New release: Marello 3

New Features in Marello 3
Marello 3 includes powerful new tools to help businesses fuel their success, including new inventory capabilities and automatic PDF creation.
Inventory Batches
Marello 3 now supports working with inventory batches. Inventory batches represent a number of inventory items that are received on a specific date. For purposes of inventory strategies such as LIFO or FIFO, or for keeping track of expiry dates, a batch record is created for every new purchase order. By defining rules in workflows, Marello calculates with inventory items should be used for the fulfillment of incoming orders. The available quantity of a batch is tracked as items are added or removed in real-time. After the available quantity reaches zero or reaches the expiration date, the batch is retired. Read more about this new feature in our blog about inventory batches.

PDF Generator
The new PDF generator enables the easy creation of invoices and credit memos. Create separate branding for your sales channels, and include sending PDFs to customers as an automated step in your order workflows. Marello 3 fills in the right information at the right place and sets the language and formatting according to the locale of the channel the PDF is created for. The new PDF generator avoids manual work, saves time and ensures a great user experience.

Release notes Marello 3
New Features
- Implemented full support for attributes and attribute families, now removed restriction of having the family and attribute set hardcoded in the services
- Implemented InventoryBatches for inventory batch support on inventory items
- Introduced SalesChannel configuration
- Introduced PDF capabilities for Invoices which can be configured per SalesChannel
- Implemented payment methods as integrations in order to make use of OroCommerce’s payment methods if necessary.
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Changed approach of locales and localization throughout Marello in order to fully utilize Oro platform’s capabilities of localization including languages and localized formatting
- Implemented PaymentTerm as a payment method
- Implemented Banktransfer as a payment method
- Moved Customer entity from OrderBundle to the CustomerBundle
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 4.1.0
- Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 7.3.13
- Required NodeJS version upgraded to 12.0 or higher
- Symfony version upgrade to 4.4.2
- Introduced MPDF as a new dependency for PDF capabilities
Find Marello 3 on GitHub
Want to know more about Marello 3?
See all features that are now included in Marello 3 in the full feature list. Want a personal tour of the platform? Let us know and request a personal demo.
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