Marello on Tour!
Why Marello on Tour?
The (e)Commerce world is always moving. New channels are emerging and customer expectations are continuously changing. In order to stay relevant in the market, merchants need to make sure they stay in pace with the current trends. In 2019/2020 this means continuously improving how business is conducted. However, digital transformation is a timeconsuming and expensive process. On top of that, existing solutions often turn out to be less flexible and future-proof than expected and don’t keep up the pace with the new dynamics of commerce.
What if there were smart solutions with which your business stays relevant in a changing (e)commerce market? A stack of solutions with which you can cut costs, lower implementation times and guarantee a future proof business? Let us tell you during Marello on Tour!
Next stop: Marseille 28th of November
Together with our partner Kiboko, we will host the first Marello on Tour seminar in Marseille, France. Join us for a morning of exploring the future of (e)commerce. Together we will take a look at all you need to know about the commerce landscape. Using the latest statistics, we will update you on trends, strategies, case studies, and teach you what needs to be done to establish a future-proof (e)commerce environment. Of course, we’ll also tell you about Marello, and show you how a Unified Commerce strategy will make sure you reach your business goals.
More information and tickets here
Join us on tour!
Want to join us during our road trip? We will be going to France, Germany, Switzerland, Latvia, Belgium, and The Netherlands! The dates will be published soon on our events page.
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